It is election time in France. President Emmanuel Macron has finally officially begun his campaign, and would seem to be the odds-on favourite against the handful of right-wing and extreme right-wing candidates that are splitting the field. There are also left-wing candidates that don’t seem to get much attention.
Compared to Canadian elections it feels as if Macron should have no problems. The biggest story in the last couple of years has been COVID, and despite a handful of gilets-jauned anti-vaxxers, my sense if that most people think the pandemic has been handled reasonably well. Then, just as COVID restrictions are being lifted, Macron has been handed the gift of the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin. He has been front and center in negotiations with Putin, and has pledged to accept some 100,000 refugees.
What Macron demonstrates is a level of leadership that Canada hasn’t seen for decades. He looks in charge. He feels in charge. And he has no difficulty in making actual decisions, even if there is push-back from one part of the country or another.
Now that I’ve considered the question, Macron is what Justin Trudeau thinks he is.
What surprises me is that Trudeau is actually several years older than Macron. I would have guessed otherwise.
At the same time that I’m writing this, I received an email from our local commune, inviting us to register our votes for next year’s spending priorities. We’ll be moving away from Thézac next week, so I won’t vote — and honestly I’m assuming that as a non-citizen I can’t vote? — but I found thee questions fascinating.
#1023 - Transport de matériel associatif - 19000 €
The association " Gens de Terroirs de Thézac " is carrying this collective project on behalf of the 8 associations of the village : les Chemins de Thézac, the hunting society, Secours aux enfants de la Roumanie, le Club des Loisirs, les Fourniales d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, les Amis du Causse, les Amis du Vin du Tsar and Gens de Terroirs, organizer of the show " les paysanneries
More than 12 000 people are welcomed in Thézac during the numerous events organized by these associations which requires important transport of materials (tables, chairs, stage modules,...). Also, a vehicle like a van, used in common by the associations of the commune adhering to this project, appears to us essential for a great number of our activities.
#2015 - Acquisition de deux barnuns — 16050 €
More than 12 000 people are welcomed in Thézac during the events organized by the various associations.the acquisition of two barnums would make it possible to secure the reception of the public by putting it at the shelter of the bad weather.these materials will be placed at the disposal of all the associations of the commune.
# 3005 - Des tablettes pour les seniors défavorisés — 49997 €
Acquire locally produced senior tablets and distribute them to underprivileged seniors in the department.
This is the action proposed by the SECOURS POPULAIRE FRANÇAIS 47 and the LE CHÊNE VERT of BOURLENS
Too many disadvantaged elderly people cannot afford a computer tool, which is the first link to enter the dematerialized world that ignores them.
However, digital exclusion = social isolation.
The project also provides support towards :
a best-effort internet access leading to monthly savings,
a group training financed with the help of the "Digital Pass".
All worthy ideas, and things I would support.
Now, Thézac is a very, very small. I suspect that in larger centers questions like this could become contentious. I’m thinking back to some of the utterly insane debates in the District of North Vancouver, and am imagining how these sort of ideas would be received.
And I’ve decided that it’s time that I learned exactly how France’s political universe is structured. Beginning here.
ARTICLE 1. France shall be an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic. It shall ensure the equality of all citizens before the law, without distinction of origin, race or religion. It shall respect all beliefs. It shall be organised on a decentralised basis.
Statutes shall promote equal access by women and men to elective offices and posts as well as to professional and social positions.
ARTICLE 2. The language of the Republic shall be French.
The national emblem shall be the blue, white and red tricolour flag.
The national anthem shall be La Marseillaise.
The maxim of the Republic shall be “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”.
The principle of the Republic shall be: government of the people, by the people
and for the people.