Dear subscribers,
This is an update rather than a regular posting. It’s by way of saying thank you for your patience. Over the past month as well as Christmas, we’ve been dealing with a massive roofing challenge (more on that later), and with moving an elderly family member from a care home back into his own apartment.
And those are on top of some serious paid writing gigs that always take priority.
So fear not, things will get back to something like normal pretty soon.
As I sit here this Sunday morning, reading about the massive snowstorm that is supposed to be happening right about now, I’m reminded that on the edge of the Atlantic weather predictions are best made by looking out the window, not by asking Environment Canada.
Yes, I’m looking at blue skies and the bright, warm sunshine is streaming though my window.
Still, the studded snows have been on the Mazda since last month, so we’re ready.
In other news you may or may not know that a lot of writers have been moving away from Substack, where this blog is hosted. In a nutshell a lot of people, some of whom have tens of thousand of followers, have asked that Substack shut down the accounts of a number of significant Nazis. And by “Nazi” I mean swastikas, pictures of Hitler, and calls for eliminating non-white people.
Substack has refused, and I expect that very soon I’ll join the exodus of people leaving this host. I do not wish to have my thoughts associated with that sort of scum, and more importantly I don’t want any part of my subscriber dollars to go to the company that lacks the integrity to draw a line in the sand as far as racist propaganda.
And, to be honest, when I look at what’s happening in the US right now, and the real likelihood that Trump will return, I think this matters a lot.
I’m gently exploring a self-hosted Ghost install on our own domain, but we’ll see. From all reports the whole move can be made seamless and nearly invisible to subscribers. Fingers crossed.
Here’s your other thought for the day: in several provinces in Canada there is no regulation whatsoever of tipping in restaurants. Consequently when you click 15% on the Square terminal to reward your lovely server, that money might in fact get grabbed entirely by the restaurant owner.
Next time please ask first where tips go, then decide.
And yes, instead of giving your extra cash to the Denny’s owner, you can give it me by subscribing. Even a few dollars each month does add up, and helps to cover some of the insane costs of living in Nova Scotia.